Do you need
The Hawaiian Contractor
Florida Licensed
General Contractor CRC1332987
Remodeling Services
in Cape Coral

The Hawaiian Contractor provides kitchen remodeling and bath remodeling and restoration services to Cape Coral Fl, Fort Myers Fl, and surrounding areas. Giving your home a new look can provide many benefits! Not only will your new home upgrades look fantastic, but you will increase the value of your home and you personalize your home to what you want. Contact The Hawaiian Contractor today for your next home renovation!
- Water & Fire Mediation
- Mold Mediation
- Major Repairs
- Additions
- New Construction
- Door & Window Replacements and more!
Why Remodel
There are many benefits to remodeling your home. One of the first areas of a home that a homeowner will update is their kitchen. Why? The kitchen is the center of your house where people come together. Family dinners, parties, etc. Updating your kitchen will give your entire house a fresh new look. Customize your home to your needs today! Give The Hawaiian Contractor a call to day to update your home!
When you are getting ready for a new update to your home, one of the first steps you want to take is to make sure you hire reputable contractor who is licensed and insured. Many people often think hiring an unlicensed contractor is going to save them money. That is not the case. There have been many times where we have had to go in and fix the other guys mess up and the homeowner is now paying more than what they would of if they took the proper steps and hired a licensed contractor. Your house is one of your largest investments.