Home Addition Remodels in Cape Coral

From Front Porch To Foyer

Mr. Mike Masiero decided he wanted to enclose his open front porch area and create some additional living space. He ran into an initial challenge when he hired the first contractor who was very unresponsive to his needs. Mike then contacted my company based on my reviews and reputation and decided to hire me to complete the project. I was able to keep him and his wife informed on a day-to-day basis regarding what work would be accomplished and when they should expect it to be complete. The biggest challenge was the fact that the front porch area was never designed to be living space. It sloped away from the home and was much lower than the original front door opening. I was able to install concrete and bring the front porch area up to the existing slab level. I was also able to match the existing stucco texture of the home to make the project look like it was built that way originally. Since the client was not changing the tile inside the home we were able to come up with a very decorative tile border to go in between the existing flooring and the new flooring they chose for the foyer. The new space just needs paint!